
Niitsitapii Agriculture Certificate Diploma Program

Ag Certificate Diploma Program

Niitsitapii Agriculture Certificate Diploma Program
To be Blackfoot

Apply Now!

Students will demonstrate knowledge, integrative skills and
technical competencies in multiple areas of Agricultural
After graduation, there are many agriculture jobs available.
Those include jobs in government, production, and finance.

Length: 2 Years
• 65% or better in English Language Arts 30-1 or 30-2
• 65% or better in Math 20-1 or 20-2
• 65% or better in Two of Biology 20, Chemistry 20, Science 20, OR One of Biology 30, Chemistry
30, Science 30
• Meet the English Language Proficiency Requirement (completed at minimum 3 years of formal
education taught entirely in English or provide the results of a recognized English Language
Proficiency exam)

Deadline: May 1, 2023

Contact: Dr. Ade Onanuga 403-737-2400 ext. 8680

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